Sep 12, 2012

YQL as a free alternative to Google Translate, Google Finance and Google Weather API

Google has closed its free Google Translate API, Google Finance API and the unofficial Google Weather API, which many websites were dependent on. Fortunately, the Yahoo Query Language comes to their rescue. It takes SQL-like statements and provides data from many web services (like SQL tables) in JSON or XML format. You can use the following alternatives for Google APIs:

select * from where symbol in ("YHOO","GOOG"); for Yahoo! Finance

select * from weather.bylocation where location='Chicago' and unit='f'; for Yahoo! Weather

select * from wunderground.forecast where location='Chicago'; for Weather Underground

select * from google.translate where q="This is a test" and target="de"; for Google Translate

Tutorials and examples of consuming YQL are provided on Yahoo! website.


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